Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Bad Steph Says NetFlix It! (Or Don't)

It's only June and it's already in the're sunburned, lazy, and beered out. What's a kid to do? I'll tell you what to do. Netflix the HELL out of your summer! We can't be drunk at the lake EVERY day, right? Wait, don't answer that. ;) But let's face it. We're in one hell of a recession so let me save you a few $$$ on your crappy blockbuster card. Here's what to look for and maybe a few things you've missed. Oh, and here's what NOT to look for and things you should be HAPPY you missed!

1. Paul Blart Mall Cop - (MISS IT) For my money it was NOT that funny. It's predictable and the chick love interest isn't even all that hot. I won't even give you the plot. It's basically Paul Blart (Kevin James) being a loser mall cop riding a segway. There are a few rare laughs but Kevin James is best left on the small screen doing fat guy jokes there. They don't translate well on the big screen. I say miss it. Unless you want to waste a rental fee. If you like throwing away your hard earned cash then go ahead. BUT, please get five of your fat guy buddies, a case of beer, and a playboy to look at during the scenes when you just can't take the predictability and bad writing. It's really the only way to enjoy this flop. :)

2. Taken - (GET IT) Oh yeah. I'm into this one. Every once in a while a good kick ass REVENGE movie is made and this is one of them. If you're into Liam Neeson kicking all kinds of foreign ass for the purpose of finding and freeing his daughter from the seedy sex slave industry then THIS is your movie. Neeson plays a former CIA agent who uses his years of torture experience when his daughter gets "Taken" while on vacation with her hottie blonde gf in Paris. Of course we all know that good will overcome...sorry if I just ruined the ending but along they way you get to see Neeson kill with his bare hands a la James Bond style. Now, don't get me's not the BEST revenge flick out there (there could have been a little more graphic violence for my taste) but so far it's stayed in my top ten this rental season.
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, disturbing thematic material, sexual content, some drug references, and language (All things Big Bad Steph really likes)

3. DEFIANCE - (GET IT) Speaking of revenge movies...this is the ultimate. Screw revenge on one person...let's get revenge on a whole group of bad guys! Inspired by a true story, this WW II drama tells of three Jewish Eastern European brothers (Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, and Jamie Bell) fighting to save themselves, their race, and each other while seeking to avenge the death of their family at the hands of the Nazis. Tuvia (Craig), Zus (Schreiber), and Asael (Bell) turn to the Polish forest for sanctuary and survival. As word spreads that there is survival opportunities with these brothers many join them and suddenly three become hundreds and survival becomes a movement for revenge and freedom from the Nazi Regime. Tuvia becomes the leader of the group and the plot takes its veiwers on an emotional roller coaster of good and evil. Based on true events, you really get attached to these characters and you WANT them to survive and find peace once more in a really difficult time of violence and darkness. We all know how the War ended but it's really worth the rental $$$ to find out how it ended for these brothers. There's some true life info at the end (as all historical movies tend to do) about their life afterward. Defiance is full of action with tons of heart, courage, and a little bit o lovin (hey, sex is the best medicine in bad conditions...or it seems that way for Daniel Craig).
Rated R for violence, language, and nudity

Releasing Soon
The International (R)
Gran Torino (R)
Strike (NR)
Body Armour (R)
Born (R)
Medea Goes to Jail (PG 13)
The Pink Panther 2 (PG 13)

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